2.1 Networking
关键术语(Key terms)
Term | Description |
ARPAnet | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. 阿帕网:美国先进研究项目署网络,是互联网的前身。 |
WAN | Wide Area Network (network convering a very large geographical area). 广域网:覆盖非常大地理区域的网络。 |
LAN | Local Area Network (network covering a small area such as a single building). 局域网:覆盖小区域的网络,例如一栋建筑。 |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network (network which is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN, which can cover several buildings in a single city, such as a university campus). 城域网:覆盖范围大于局域网但小于广域网的网络,可以覆盖一座城市中的几栋建筑,例如大学校园。 |
File server | A server on a network where central files and other data are stored. They can be accessed by a user logged onto the network. 文件服务器:网络上用于存储主要文件和其他数据的服务器,网络登录用户可以访问这些文件。 |
Hub | Hardware used to connect together a number of devices to form a LAN that directs incoming data packets to all devices on the network (LAN). 集线器:一种用于将多个设备连接形成局域网的硬件,能够将接收到的数据包分发给网络上的所有设备。 |
Switch | Hardware used to connect together a number of devices to form a LAN that directs incoming data packets to a specific destination address only. 交换机:一种用于将多个设备连接形成局域网的硬件,能够将接收到的数据包仅传输到特定的目的地址。 |
Router | Device which enables data packets to be routed between different networks (for example, can join LANs to form a WAN). 路由器:使得数据包能在不同网络之间路由的设备,例如连接多个局域网形成广域网。 |
Modem | Modulator demodulator. A device that converts digital data to analogue data (to be sent down a telephone wire); conversely, it also converts analogue data to digital data (which a computer can process). 调制解调器:调制器解调器。一种将数字数据转换为模拟数据(通过电话线传送)的设备;反之,它也能将模拟数据转换为计算机可以处理的数字数据。 |
WLAN | Wireless LAN. WLAN:无线局域网。 |
(W)AP | (Wireless) access point which allows a device to access a LAN without a wired connection. 无线接入点:允许设备无线访问局域网的接入点。 |
PAN | Network that is centred around a person or their workspace. 个人局域网:以个人或其工作区为中心的网络。 |
Client-server | Network that uses separate dedicated servers and specific client workstations. All client computers are connected to the dedicated servers. 客户端-服务器:使用独立专用服务器和特定客户端工作站的网络。所有客户端计算机都连接到专用服务器。 |
Spread spectrum technology | Wideband radio frequency with a range of 30 to 50 meters. 扩频技术:范围在30至50米的宽带无线电频率。 |
Node | Device connected to a network (it can be a computer, storage device or peripheral device). 节点:连接到网络的设备,可以是计算机、存储设备或外围设备。 |
Peer-to-peer | Network in which each node can share its files with all the other nodes. Each node has its own data and there is no central server. 对等网络:每个节点可以与所有其他节点共享其文件的网络。每个节点有自己的数据,没有中央服务器。 |
Thin client | Device that needs access to the internet for it to work and depends on a more powerful computer for processing. 瘦客户端:需要访问互联网才能工作的设备,依赖于更强大的计算机进行处理。 |
Thick client | Device which can work both offline and online and is able to do some processing even if not connected to a network/internet. 胖客户端:能够在离线和在线状态下工作的设备,即使没有连接到网络/互联网,也能进行一些处理。 |
Bus network topology | Network using a single central cable in which all devices are connected to this cable so data can only travel in one direction and only one device is allowed to transmit at a time. 总线网络拓扑:使用单根中心线缆连接所有设备的网络,因此数据只能在一个方向上传输,并且一次只允许一个设备传输。 |
Packet | Message/data sent over a network from node to node (packets include the address of the node sending the packet, the address of the packet recipient, and the actual data - this is covered in greater depth in Chapter 14). 数据包:在网络上从一个节点发送到另一个节点的消息/数据(数据包包含发送节点的地址、接收节点的地址和实际数据——在第14章会有更深入的讨论)。 |
Star network topology | A network that uses a central hub/switch with all devices connected to this central hub/switch so all data packets are directed through this central hub/switch. 星形网络拓扑:使用中央集线器/交换机连接所有设备的网络,因此所有数据包都通过这个中央集线器/交换机。 |
Mesh network topology | Interlinked computers/devices, which use routing logic so data packets are sent from sending stations to receiving stations only by the shortest route. 网状网络拓扑:内部连接的计算机/设备,使用路由逻辑将数据包通过最短路径从发送站传输到接收站。 |
Hybrid network | Network made up of a combination of other network topologies. 混合网络:由多种网络拓扑组合而成的网络。 |
Cloud storage | Method of data storage where data is stored on off-site servers. 云存储:将数据存储在异地服务器上的存储方法。 |
Data redundancy | Situation in which the same data is stored on several servers in case of maintenance or repair. 数据冗余:为了维护或修复,多个服务器上存储相同数据的情况。 |
Wi-Fi | Wireless connectivity that uses radio waves, microwaves. Implements IEEE 802.11 protocols. Wi-Fi:使用无线电波和微波的无线连接,采用IEEE 802.11协议。 |
Bluetooth | Wireless connectivity that uses radio waves in the 2.45GHz frequency band. 蓝牙:使用2.45GHz频段的无线电波的无线连接。 |
Spread spectrum frequency hopping | A method of transmitting radio signals in which a device picks one of 79 channels at random. If the chosen channel is already in use, it randomly chooses another channel. It has a range of up to 100 meters. 跳频技术:一种传输无线电信号的方法,设备在79个频道中随机选择一个频道传输信号。如果选择的频道已经被使用,设备会随机选择另一个频道。覆盖范围可达100米。 |
WPAN | Wireless personal area network. A local wireless network which connects together devices in very close proximity (such as in a user's house); typical devices would be a laptop, smartphone, tablet, and printer. 无线个人局域网:一个连接非常近的设备的局部无线网络(例如在用户的家中);典型设备包括笔记本电脑、智能手机、平板电脑和打印机。 |
Twisted pair cable | Type of cable in which two wires of a single circuit are twisted together. Several twisted pairs make up a single cable. 双绞线电缆:由一对单独电路的双线绞在一起的电缆。几对双绞线构成一条电缆。 |
Coaxial cable | Cable made up of central copper core, insulation, copper mesh, and outer insulation. 同轴电缆:由中心铜芯、绝缘层、铜网和外部绝缘层组成的电缆。 |
Fibre optic cable | Cable made up of glass fibre wires which use pulses of light (rather than electricity) to transmit data. 光纤电缆:由玻璃纤维线构成的电缆,使用光脉冲而不是电信号来传输数据。 |
Gateway | Device that connects LANs which use different protocols. 网关:连接使用不同协议的局域网的设备。 |
Repeater | Device used to boost a signal on both wired and wireless networks. 中继器:用于增强有线和无线网络信号的设备。 |
Repeating hubs | Network devices which are a hybrid of hub and repeater unit. 集线中继器:集成了集线器和中继器功能的网络设备。 |
Bridge | Device that connects LANs which use the same protocols. 网桥:连接使用相同协议的局域网的设备。 |
Softmodem | Abbreviation for software modem; a software-based modem that uses minimal hardware. 软件调制解调器:软件调制解调器的缩写;一种基于软件的调制解调器,仅需最少的硬件。 |
NIC | Network interface card. These cards allow devices to connect to a network/internet (usually associated with a MAC address set at the factory). 网卡:网络接口卡。网卡允许设备连接到网络/互联网(通常与工厂设定的MAC地址相关联)。 |
WNIC | Wireless network interface cards/controllers. 无线网卡:无线网络接口卡/控制器。 |
Ethernet | Protocol IEEE 802.3 used by many wired LANs. 以太网:许多有线局域网使用的IEEE 802.3协议。 |
Conflict | Situation in which two devices have the same IP address. 冲突:两个设备具有相同IP地址的情况。 |
Broadcast | Communication where pieces of data are sent from sender to receiver. 广播:数据从发送方传送到接收方的通信方式。 |
Collision | Situation in which two messages/data from different sources are trying to transmit along the same data channel. 碰撞:来自不同来源的两条消息/数据试图沿同一数据通道传输的情况。 |
CSMA/CD | Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection - a method used to detect collisions and resolve the issue. 载波监听多路访问/碰撞检测:一种用于检测碰撞并解决问题的方法。 |
Bit streaming | Contiguous sequence of digital bits sent over a network/internet. 比特流:连续在网络/互联网上传送的数字比特序列。 |
Buffering | Store which holds data temporarily. 缓冲:临时保存数据的存储器。 |
Bit rate | Number of bits per second that can be transmitted over a network. It is a measure of the data transfer rate over a digital telecoms network. 比特率:每秒钟通过网络传输的比特数,是数字电信网络数据传输速率的度量。 |
On demand (bit streaming) | System that allows users to stream video or music files from a central server as and when required without having to save the files on their own computer/tablet/phone. 按需流:允许用户在需要时从中央服务器流式传输视频或音乐文件,而无需将文件保存到自己的计算机/平板电脑/手机上的系统。 |
Real-time (bit streaming) | System in which an event is captured by camera (and microphone) connected to a computer and sent to a server where the data is encoded. The user can access the data 'as it happens' live. 实时流:通过连接到计算机的摄像头(和麦克风)捕捉事件并将其发送到服务器进行编码的系统。用户可以实时访问数据。 |
2.1.1 Networking devices(网络设备)
- 了解广域网的前身——阿帕网;
- 随着个人计算机的增长,局域网出现了,LAN是WAN的子集;
- LAN局域网仅在用户的家里,然后经过层层NAT得到MAN城域网;
- 熟记使用网络的优缺点,如好处是能分享设备和数据、网络授权软件许可、使用云端文件服务器、发漂洋过海的邮件,而坏处可能是部署服务器花费高昂、不易管理大型网络、需要经常维护、要提防恶意软件和黑客攻击。
- 熟记部署网络要准备的基础设备,包含硬件、软件和服务。
- 了解专用网和公用网的定义和概念。
- 牢记:典型的局域网由许多计算机和设备组成,连接到集线器或交换机。而集线器或交换机通常连接到路由器或调制解调器,从而允许局域网接入互联网或变成广域网的一部分。
- 了解无线网、无限接入点和扩频技术的定义和概念。
- 牢记广域网的定义和概念,熟记WAN、MAN、LAN、PAN的典型地理覆盖范围。
2.1.2 Client-server and peer-to-peer networking models(CS和P2P网络模型)
- 熟记客户机-服务机模型的定义和概念;
- 通过一些案例辅助记忆客户机-服务机的优缺点;
- 熟记P2P模型的定义和概念;
- 通过一些案例辅助记忆P2P的优缺点;
- 这两种模型的异同组成了瘦客户端和胖客户端的概念,理解就行。
2.1.3 Network topologies(网络拓扑)
- 熟记总线连接、星形连接、组网链接和混合链接的网络连接结构的定义和概念;
- 理解这四种结构的异同和优缺点。
2.1.4 Public and private cloud computing(公有云计算和私有云计算)
- 了解云存储和数据冗余的概念,分辨清公有、私有和混合这三种云存储模式。
2.1.5 Wired and wireless networking(有线网与无线网)
- 熟记Bluetooth的原理,了解其工作流程,如信道、扩频跳频技术、无线个人局域网。
- 知道蓝牙和Wi-Fi的异同,如Wi-Fi提供的网络更远更快更全面,蓝牙短距离多设备低速通信。
- 知道“点波频率越高,带宽越大,但衰减和穿透越差”的物理事实。
- 扩展:基站通信与卫星通信各自的作用.
- 熟记双绞线、同轴线和光纤各自的意义和应用。
- 总结:应牢记无线和有线的优缺点及其使用场景。
2.1.6 Hardware requirements of networks(网络的硬件需求)
- 熟记集线器和交换机的概念,并理解其中的区别。
- 了解中继器和集线中继器的概念。
- 熟记网桥和路由器的概念,弄明白其中的区别。
- 熟记网关的概念,并理解和路由器的区别。
- 熟记调制解调器的概念。
- 熟记网卡和无线网卡的概念。
2.1.7 Ethernet(以太网)
- 以太网又被称为IEEE 802.3,其中又可分为有线无线等多种协议的,可以去搜一下。
- 理解以太网中的冲突、碰撞的概念,了解CSMA/CD的作用。
2.1.8 Bit streaming(比特流)
- 熟记比特流的定义和概念,理解缓存和比特率的概念。
- 知道比特流的优缺点,了解点播和实时比特流的概念。
第二章节End of chapter questions的第1,2,3,4,5题
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最后编辑:张业浩 更新时间:2025-01-14 19:17
最后编辑:张业浩 更新时间:2025-01-14 19:17