2.2 The internet

关键术语(Key terms)


Term Description
Internet Massive network of networks, made up of computers and other electronic devices; uses TCP/IP communication protocals.
互联网:由计算机和其他电子设备组成的庞大网络。使用 TCP/IP 通信协议。
World Wide Web (WWW) Collection of multimedia web pages sotred on a website, which uses the internet to access information from servers and other computers.
HyperText Mark-up Language (HTML) Used to design web pages and to write http/https protocols, for example.
超文本标记语言(HTML):例如,用于设计网页和编写 http/https 协议。
Uniform resource locator (URL) specifies location of a web page (for example, www.hoddereducation.co.uk).
Web browser Software that connects to DNS to locate IP addresses; interprets web pages sent to a user's computer so that documents and multimedia can be read or watched/listened to.
Internet service provider (ISP) Company which allows a user to connect to the internet. They will usually charge a monthly fee for the service they provide.
Public switched telephone network (PSTN) Network used by traditional telephone when making calls or when sending faxes.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Converts voice and webcam images into digital packages to be sent over the internet.
Internet protocol (IP) Uses IPv4 or IPv6 to give addresses to devices connected to the internet.
互联网协议(IP):使用 IPv4 或 IPv6 为连接到互联网的设备提供地址。
IPv4 IP address format which uses 32bits, such as
Classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) Increases IPv4 flexibility by adding a suffix to the IP address, such as
无类别域间路由(CIDR):通过给 IP 地址添加后缀来增加IPv4的灵活性。例如
IPv6 Newer IP address format which uses 128bits, such as A8F0:7FFF:F0F1:F000:3DD0:256A:22FF:AA00.
第六版互联网通信协议:新的 IP 地址格式,使用 128 位。如A8F0:7FFF:F0F1:F000:3DD0:256A:22FF:AA00
Zero compression Way of reducing the length of an IPv6 address by replacing groups of zeroes by a double colon(::); this can only be applied once to an address to avoid ambiguity.
零压缩法:一种用双冒号 (::) 替换一组数字零来减少 IPv6 地址长度的方式。为了避免歧义,这个地址只能使用一次.
Sub-netting Practice of dividing networks into two or more sub-networks.
Private IP address An IP address reserved for internal network use behind a router.
私有 IP 地址:为路由器后方的内部网络使用保留的IP地址。
Public IP address An IP address allocated by the user's ISP to identify the location of their device on the internet.
公有 IP 地址:由用户的 ISP 分配,用于标识其设备在互联网上位置的IP地址。
Domain name service (DNS) Gives domain names for internet hosts and is a system for finding IP addresses of a domain name.
域名服务(DNS):为互联网主机提供域名,是一种用于解析域名对应 IP 地址的系统。
JavaScript Object-orientated (or scripting) programming language used mainly on the web to enhance HTML pages.
JavaScript:面向对象(或脚本式)的编程语言,主要用于网页上增强 HTML 页面功能。
PHP Hypertext processor; an HTML-embedded scripting language used to write web pages.
PHP:超文本处理器。一种嵌入 HTML 的脚本语言,用于编写网页。

2.2.1 The differences between the internet and the World Wide Web(互联网和万维网的异同)


  • 2.2.1 The differences between the internet and the World Wide Web(互联网和万维网的异同)


作者:张业浩  创建时间:2024-08-24 15:24
最后编辑:张业浩  更新时间:2025-01-14 19:17